Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Today I am thinking about......

I have been thinking a lot about Growth Mindset and what that means for my students and for me.  It totally gets me excited because it encourages an extraordinary optimistic attitude.  I start thinking, “Maybe I can….”  and “Maybe they can…”  Instead of thinking about “JUST” the standards that lead me to an ominous disposition that tends to put everyone into a hopeless mindset!

I’ve had so many “great” ideas or dreams in the past that I have let go of simply because of my mindset!  I never took the time to find out if I HAD the capability to carry them out.  I DID have the motivation but I lacked the steadfast attitude I needed to successfully reach my destination. 

I get excited thinking about what we CAN achieve just by thinking about our failures or deficiencies differently.   Each failure is a step closer to that “impossible” destination.  Each deficiency becomes a hurdle needed to makes us stronger. 


With the right mindset we CAN become, create, or change anything!

People Who Inspired Me:
with their Growth Mindset!

My Student
This student had an IEP and a low IQ.  She was determined and NEVER gave less than her 100% BEST effort.  She worked harder than any other student I have ever had and achieved just as much or more than some of my highest functioning students.  Needless to say she grew up to become very successful with her career. 
I always said if I ever had a daughter, I would want her to be just like this little girl.  SHE INSPIRED me with her GROWTH MINDSET!

My Father
A man who achieved great things despite the hardships life dealt him.
My father lived through the depression as a child.  He learned to grow and can food, candle and collect eggs, and slaughter chicken to eat.  He learned to “make” fun.  He lived through serving in and losing his brother to WWII.  He was not able to finish his college education but always valued education.  Here are just a few of his achievements:

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